Rumor on the grapevine has it that SEO strategies like keywords are becoming extinct. However, despite the fact our online ecosystem is forever evolving, SEO services remain a powerful force in marketing. This isn’t to say that they’re all worthwhile, and often, using outdated SEO strategies could actually kill your rankings.

Keywords might not be at the top of our priority list anymore, but new techniques have grown from this trusty favorite.

So, what is still relevant nowadays when it comes to SEO services? And how can we keep up with Google’s revolutionizing algorithms? Let’s look at some tips to keep up with SEO strategies.

Forget over-optimization for keywords

Gone are the days when it was deemed okay to throw in as many of your keywords as possible to achieve ultimate optimization. Once upon a time, that strategy would have had you shaking hands with Google, now it could actually spoil your search ranking position.

We have to rethink how to use keywords. Over-optimizing your content can hamper the user experience with awkwardly structured headers and sentences. As search engines become more sophisticated, they have found other ways to work out the purpose of your site’s existence.

For this reason, focusing on readability and solving problems for your customers. It’s now about the intent behind the keywords, not the words alone. Offering great solutions and the best answers with a user-focused approach is the way to go.

Write for humans, not spiders

One of the most important things to remember is to write for your customers, not for internet crawly spiders. As Google has invested in its search algorithm, the prevalent results tend to be the ones that focus on user experience.

It’s not enough to write articles that feature SEO strategies like keywords if they aren’t relevant nor answer the reader’s questions. The more you connect with your audience through genuine, communicative, engaging content that helps users somehow, the more your site will gain respect and a favorable position in search engines. Let’s start leveling with each other to achieve a higher level on Google.

Do topic research

As previously mentioned, your content must be topically relevant instead of being perfectly optimized for keywords. This means that instead of focusing on the keywords themselves, we need to do some all-important topic research.

Having strong concepts for content that serve a host of different searchers’ needs while subtly weaving keywords into titles, subtitles, and content can significantly increase searcher volume whilst upping our rank for the keywords.

Look out for topics you’re already ranking in the top three and find out the average Keyword Difficulty (KD) for each topic. Once you have those, run with them. It’s a great way of consistently gaining that so-desired user traffic.

SEO is a long-term game

Consider SEO a long-term investment. Rankings and traffic take a long time to acquire. That’s why it’s paramount that you keep on top of the game and start by tackling topics that you can easily rank. Create a separate plan to create “social content” that you can share frequently. The more your social content is spotted, the more likely it is to get backlinked, which can, over time, bring you closer to the glorious top Google results.

Get on board with the algorithms

To stay up to speed and in-date with all the latest SEO techniques, you must keep an eye on how algorithms are evolving and what techniques are best to drive traffic. That way, you can be ready for anything and be sure that your content counts.

Book a consultation with jdp to learn more about our SEO services and see whether they’re the next best step for your business.