Trying to fix a crumbling organization with a new website is like trying to fix a worn-out gearbox with a lick of paint. Before hiring someone to help you with your web design, let’s just take a breather. Is this the right investment for your business right now?

In this article, we’ll run through the signs that your website does need some urgent attention, and then follow up with some other things you might need to prioritize before investing in a new website.

Signs your web design needs some help

It’s glitchy

Websites have a life span. If your website is coming up to five years old it’s going to require a serious overhaul. Even if you’ve been diligently maintaining your website and updating all of your plugins and widgets and whatnots, the bugs will catch up with you, and it’s time for a website rebirth.

Mobile unresponsiveness

A responsive website changes depending on screen dimensions. This means that your website is easy to browse, read, and navigate whether your reading on a mobile device, a tablet, or a desktop. If your web design isn’t responsive yet, get a wiggle on. It’s 2021 and around half of all mobile web traffic comes from mobile devices.

Lack of engagement

AKA, your business language isn’t connecting with your audience. If your bounce rate is high, people aren’t sticking around long enough to discover that you’re the perfect business for them. This is a clear sign that your web design needs some urgent assistance.

Signs the problem lies elsewhere

Workflow problems

Managing workflow is a challenge for every business owner and team leader. Your workforce has scaled with your business, but you often find that your team is either overworked or twiddling their thumbs waiting to be designated tasks.

Overhiring is a costly mistake to make. It’s much better to keep your overheads low by ensuring that you have the correct processes in place to utilize your existing employees to their fullest potential.

It takes ages to get anything done

Are your systems optimized for maximum productivity? As they say, “time is money” so every minute counts. If there’s a block in your pipeline

Your business has stagnated

You thought you found the perfect recipe. Your business was on an upward trajectory and everything was going well until suddenly you hit a plateau. This is where marketing comes to the fore – to help you assess the changing climate within your industry and beyond, find out what your customers need right now, and make your business the stand-out option.

You can’t afford to stick with the tried and tested and hope that it will start working for you again one day. If you’ve noticed your sales are beginning to stagnate, it’s time to take action with a business strategy fit for today’s market, and today’s climate.

You’re unprepared for what’s coming

Planning for the short term is one thing, but where do you see your business in 5-10 years? Keeping your eye on the prize can enable you to make better decisions in the short term to help you get there.

No one has a crystal ball to tell us what will happen in the coming months and years that will shape consumer behavior, but a bit of marketing magic can give us a more accurate forecast to help you plan ahead.

Introducing jd-pROCYCLE

At jdp, we don’t just fix surface issues, we lift the hood on your business and inspect what’s going on to get to the root of your business challenges. We’ll diagnose what is most standing in the way of your business goals, and handcraft a strategy for your business.

Get in touch for a free consultation and start the ignition on your journey to business success.