Google local reviews are an underrated powerhouse when it comes to increasing SEO on your website. The algorithm that Google uses to direct traffic is heavily impacted by having your content goals meet the E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trust) principles.

It’s only natural that reviews from legitimate customers increase the level of trust in your website. Learning how to boost local SEO using Google Reviews will add to the arsenal of organic search tools that can help your business grow.

How do Google reviews help SEO?

Now that you understand Google Reviews, it’s time to look at just how they can help boost local SEO.

  • Positive rating matter
  • Whenever a customer uses Google to find a local service or product, they will generally select a business that has a higher rating. Potential customers trust testimonials and more than likely select a company to work with or purchase from that has consistent positive ratings.

  • Keywords in reviews
  • Another great benefit of Google reviews: your customers will more than likely include keywords and phrases that will help with SEO unintentionally. When someone reviews your site or business, they will typically write about the product or service they received in turn, this often includes some keywords or keyword phrases that help your site rank.

  • Engage with your reviewers
  • Being a responsive business is important when it comes to your online presence and reviews. Whenever you receive a review – good or bad, it is a great idea to ensure that you engage with your customers. If a great review is left, be sure to thank your customer. Your sincerity should shine through your reply, and gratitude should be expressed. On the flip side, if you receive a negative review, make sure you reply promptly and objectively. Having top-tier customer service skills will be crucial to ensure you can turn a negative review into a positive one.

  • Add reviews to your website.
  • There are a few ways to include reviews on your website, you can often use a plugin to link your site to reviews. There are also tools that can help you cultivate more positive reviews.

How to get more positive Google reviews

Because Google reviews are so valuable when it comes to boosting local SEO, you will want to develop strategies around obtaining more positive reviews. Here are a few methods you can try:

  • Ask for reviews
  • One of the most basic ways to obtain a review is to simply ask your customers for one. If you just obtained a sale, and have a happy customer in front of you, that is a great opportunity to open the dialogue.

  • Follow-up emails
  • After a positive interaction with a customer, it is always ideal to try and follow-up with them. This shows your customer that you care about their experience and allows you to try and obtain a positive review. You can be transparent and sincere in your email – ensuring that your customer feels appreciated and explaining to them the value of their review.

  • Make it easy to leave a review
  • Sometimes a customer is not sure where to leave a review exactly. It is always beneficial to include a link directly to your Google Business page in your follow-up email with some basic instructions. The easier it is to leave the review, the more likely you will receive one. Another way to do this is to create a custom Google review link and place that on your website.

In Conclusion

Google reviews can have a great impact on your local organic traffic, learning how to properly respond to and strategize on obtaining additional reviews will be key in enhancing your website and boosting your local SEO.